Glorious sunshine this morning tempted me out to clear the asters, their lavender glory over and gone to seed. The bright warmth brought out Eupatorium's flowers in full white starry fluffiness; the flowers smell astringent, but I had to get quite close to experience this. Still it attracted bumble bees and even a painted lady butterfly paid a prolonged visit to tap its nectar. Click on the photos to look more closely; in the first image, the antennae are very well defined, although the body looks soft and out of focus; in the third, the proboscis can be seen.
In our back garden, Cotinus coggyria is aflame, while the oak trees beyond the garden are just beginning to turn and shed the odd yellow and dry brown leaves. The dry weather continues though there was a little rain after I planted up tulip bulbs in pots last week. Much to my surprise, a self seeded dark pink Cosmos has bravely begun to flower today in the sunny bed. I had a patch of them last summer and this is the sole survivor - I wonder how long it will last?
I think the warmer autumn is confusing much of our wildlife. How lovely to get a visit from a Painted Lady. I only seem to get Cabbage White's in my garden.
Not to make you jealous Jo but in wonder and amazement - after the foul weather, really cold winds and lots of cold cold rain last weekend, the very day after I spotted a peacock butterfly on the same plant, and red admiral in the back garden. Both enjoying the warm sunshine that followed. I think we're all confused - I don't know what to wear when I get up in the mornings at the moment!
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