Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Gardeners Bloom Day July 2009

First up from my garden for today is Black-eyed Susan, a delightful flowering climber here in the UK. I don't know the Latin name for ours, do you? Apparently, Black-eyed Susan is a different plant, Rudbeckia hirta, in the US. Have a look at Carol's May Dreams Garden to see her version, and find out how you can join in with GBD and connect with other gardeners around the world.

I've posted my pics from a different programme this time and don't seem to be able to mix in words and pictures in the same way as usual. Still I hope you will enjoy this edited selection from my garden this morning.

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chuck b. said...

We call the Black-eyed Susan Vine Thunbergia alata. I think! I ought to consider growing it in a container too. It's a brute in the ground. Happy Bloom Day!

Joanne said...

I haven't grown black eyed susie for years I must try again one day.

LindaCTG said...

I love your plants and am so glad to have discovered your blog. I am enthralled with the summer pudding and the potato recipes. I love the Thunbergia, too.

Jo said...

Beautiful flowers. I love the black eyed Susan.

Anonymous said...

You have a great variety of fantastic plants growing. Love the lavender one.

Jean Campbell said...

Interesting vines, all. Sweet peas are an early bloomer here, gone by May, one of my favs.

Scattered Gardener said...

Thunbergia, of course it is - thanks Chuckb. Uh oh, I let my sxon plant a spare plant or two in the ground, hope it's not hardy! (as it doesn't go with the other plants in the bed). Joanne, will it really go with anything else in your gorgeous garden? Linda CTG,Jo and Kristin, thank you for dropping in and your kind compliments!

Marie said...

Your plants are so pretty. It's wonderful to peek into a garden in England from an office in Pennsylvania!

Thank you for sharing the story of the tragic demise of an organic allotment. Although a sad outcome, I enjoyed reading about your allotment process.

Shirley said...

Happy GBBD Scattered, an impressive pillar of black-eyed susan! Oh... but it was the hollyhock that caught my eye... very nice :-D

Sylvana said...

Love those hollyhocks!